Giving you the tools for a life of boundless health.
Specialist in digestive health and the physical symptoms of stress.
What Does a health coach do?
Through one-on-one sessions, a naturopathic health coach considers a clients diet, physical activity, relationships, personal goals and environment to address a variety of health concerns.
Why Work With Me?
If your experience is anything like mine, a trip to the GP isn’t a simple task. NHS surgeries are under increasing pressure and waiting lists can last months. The solution is often a prescription which doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. Many conditions are largely preventable through lifestyle and nutrition intervention but with restricted appointment times, doctors and nurses often don’t have the time for personalised care.
A Health Coach can take the time to understand each client fully, in order to co-create realistic and sustainable goals towards a healthier and more vibrant future.
Go with your gut: How diet can improve mental health.
Go with your gut: How diet can improve mental health. “It’s just not for me”. This was the response I had recently when asking a
Click here to view the UKHCA scope of practice:
Click here to view the College of Naturopathic Medicine scope of practice: